VoiceMap Tour: London’s Alternative History

In 2015 I released London’s Alternative History, one of London’s first VoiceMap tours. Hundreds of downloads later, it is still as relevant and entertaining as ever! In 2018 I was able to update the tour so that even as we enter 2021 it remains one of the top downloads on the VoiceMap platform.

Take my COVID-safe audio guided walking tour here for under £3!

If you have arrived here from the VoiceMap site or the tour itself, I hope you enjoyed it! I will be releasing another tour later this year, COVID restrictions permitting. In the meantime, if you’d like to get in touch feel free to comment below or email me at joey@discoverthestreet.com.
Once COVID restrictions are loosened and it is safe to do so, I will resume the live version of the tour, which you can book here using the platform Triple!


Stay safe and enjoy VoiceMap!